Top 5 Privacy Solutions to Protect & Remove Your Online Data

Avoid Scams
Data Removal
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  • Written by Geoff Vandenberg
Hive Fave
Remove your data from the web to avoid scams, spam and stalkers
  • 100+ Million successful opt-out removals through DeleteMe
  • Continuous data broker monitoring
  • Live chat with personal privacy advisors
Sweet Pick
Delete your personal data today!
  • Reduce the volume of spam calls and emails
  • Mitigate the risks of identity theft and keep your data from being sold
  • Data brokers create shadow profiles that include a frightening amount of personal details
The trusted bodyguard of passwords
  • Protect yourself, your family, or your business with trusted security made in Germany and 100% control of data
  • Trusted by over 100,000 customers
  • Uncrackable. Versatile. Outstanding.
Experience the internet as it should be—secure, private, and censorship-free.
  • Upgrade your internet security and privacy
  • WiTopia provides simple yet powerful encryption services
  • Completely safe from companies, governments, and criminals
Online security made easy
  • Shield your devices with Antivirus, & guard your identity with an all-in-one app
  • Surfshark connects, reconnects, stays alert, and protects you online 24/7 wherever you go
  • Guard your identity.
Remove your data from the web to avoid scams, spam and stalkers
  • 100+ Million successful opt-out removals
  • Continuous data broker monitoring
  • Live chat with personal privacy advisors

How Does DeleteMe Work?

  • Submit Info: Submit your personal information for removal from search engines and data broker sites.
  • Experts Search For It: DeleteMe experts find and remove your personal information. See sites covered by DeleteMe.
  • Removal Process Starts: Receive a detailed DeleteMe report in 7 days. Here’s an example.
  • Scans & Deletions All Year: We remove your personal info regularly, all year long.

#1 data removal service

We’ve been in business for over 10 years, and we’ve removed over 100 Million pieces of personal information for our customers. DeleteMe is trusted by thousands to remove their data and stay private online. Reducing your online footprint significantly reduces your risk of threats like identity theft, scams, and personal harassment. Keep yourself and your family safe from online threats, satisfaction guaranteed.

Your Personal Data is Yours Again.

DeleteMe makes it quick, easy and safe to remove your personal data online.

We’re ready to be your privacy partner.

With over 100 Million personal listings removed since 2010, DeleteMe is the most trusted and proven privacy solution available.

Delete your personal data today!
  • Reduce the volume of spam calls and emails
  • Mitigate the risks of identity theft and keep your data from being sold
  • Data brokers create shadow profiles that include a frightening amount of personal details

What Incogni does:

  • Limits public access to your information
  • Lowers your risk of identity theft
  • Keeps your data from being sold

Why it matters

Data brokers create shadow profiles on you that include a frightening amount of personal details. These insights are then used by scammers, total strangers, insurance companies, banks, businesses, and even the government.

  • Spam calls and spam emails have become a persistent nuisance in our digital lives. These unsolicited calls and messages flood our inboxes and disrupt our daily routines.
  • Scammers often target victims using personal details such as income levels, health conditions, religious or political beliefs, and even the names of relatives and acquaintances – making data broker sites heaven for these criminals.
  • People search sites give complete strangers access to personal information such as home addresses, contact details, members of your family, and much more.
  • Cybercriminals need details like your name, DOB, and SSN to steal your identity. Most data brokers collect many, if not all, of the data points these criminals are after.

Protect your identity online. Thousands of companies are collecting, aggregating, and trading your personal data without you knowing anything about it. We make them remove it so your data stays secure and private.

Password Depot
The trusted bodyguard of passwords
  • Protect yourself, your family, or your business with trusted security made in Germany and 100% control of data
  • Trusted by over 100,000 customers
  • Uncrackable. Versatile. Outstanding.

Since 1998, AceBIT GmbH has been on a mission to create the most secure password management software.

Our award-winning software, meticulously designed by German industry experts, has earned over 20 awards and test wins, solidifying its leadership in password security.

Today, more than 100,000 customers trust Password Depot to keep their most important information safe.

Say goodbye to multiple passwords

Get ready to simplify your life. From now on, you only need to memorize one password - the one that grants you access to Password Depot.

  • Get the highest security: Your passwords are safeguarded with optimal protection against external access by using the highest security standard of AES (Rijndael 256) double encryption.
  • Generate strong passwords: With a single click, generate secure passwords using our intelligent password generator. Few password managers can match the cleverness of our password generator. 
  • Automate data entry with ease: Experience the convenience of automatic data entry. Our feature not only auto-fills your access data, but also other frequently typed information, eliminating the need for manual typing.
  • Access your data from different devices: Access your passwords across multiple devices with ease. Whether you use Windows, Mac, IOS or Android smartphone, Password Depot allows you to seamlessly switch between devices and access the same set of passwords.
Online security made easy
  • Shield your devices with Antivirus, & guard your identity with an all-in-one app
  • Surfshark connects, reconnects, stays alert, and protects you online 24/7 wherever you go
  • Guard your identity.

Remove your data off the net

Data brokers record your browsing patterns, pages you visit, things you like and sell them to other companies. We contact data brokers on your behalf to ensure they remove your data.

“We love Surfshark because it is an easy-to-use app that you can download on all your devices.”

Secure your connection

Protecting your connection is key. Surfing the web, you’re exposed to many risks: data breaches, hacking attacks, & snoopers. One solution to fight them all — a VPN.

Experience the web before advertising happened: free of ads, cookie pop-ups, & trackers.

  • Work, play, and explore without a glitch connected to high-speed VPN servers.
  • 100+ Countries
  • 3200+ RAM-only servers

Personal data is hot property these days. Your search history, passwords, account details, every cookie you ever accepted fall into the hands of data brokers and is SOLD. But there’s a solution. Or a few.

Experience the internet as it should be—secure, private, and censorship-free.
  • Upgrade your internet security and privacy
  • WiTopia provides simple yet powerful encryption services
  • Completely safe from companies, governments, and criminals
Upgrade your internet security and privacy with the awesomeness of modern encryption

WiTopia provides simple yet powerful encryption services to ensure that your internet access, email, web browsing, and streaming are secure and private—completely safe from companies, governments, and criminals capturing your personal and business data. Join the fashionably encrypted today!

People and organizations in over 190 countries choose WiTopia to protect their online freedom, security, and privacy.

It’s YOUR internet. Take. It. Back.

Activate the extra Security you need for today’s internet. With a single click, our arsenal of encryption protocols and innovative stealth modes will keep you secure over any internet connection–wired, Wi-Fi, or cellular. You’ll be perfectly safe from snoops, hackers, and other unsavory characters as your data flows through your own personal encrypted VPN tunnel.

Protect your Privacy online with the full force of modern VPN technology. Bluntly put, incognito and privacy modes are a joke. We not only fully encrypt your data stream, but hide your location and IP address too. This keeps your online identity private and prevents search engines, websites, advertisers, and criminals from collecting, mining, and selling your browsing history and personal information.

Encrypt your current email (maybe for free). No need to switch email providers. Encrypt a single,, or Microsoft consumer email address for free forever. Or, try a free, instant, no-payment-info-necessary trial of our paid service to add encryption to ANY personal or business email.

Geoff Vandenberg
Geoff Vandenberg
I’m a blog writer who’s passionate about creating content to help people stay informed and provide advice on varying topics. I’m particularly interested in pets, pop culture, and sports!