Ending Your Vehicle Lease and Buying Your Car

  • 27 Mar 2024
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When you sign a vehicle lease, you're entering into a binding agreement that stipulates the use of the vehicle for a predetermined period in exchange for regular payments. Key terms include the lease term, monthly payment amount, mileage limits, wear and tear standards, and the option to buy the vehicle at the end of the lease term.

Key Takeaways:

  • Lease Term and Early Termination: Most leases run for two to four years. Terminating your lease early can result in significant penalties.
  • Mileage Limits: Exceeding the mileage limit can cost you, typically ranging from 15 to 25 cents per extra mile.
  • Wear and Tear: Understand what constitutes normal wear and tear, as excessive damage can incur additional fees.

Preparing for Lease End

As your lease nears its end, it's crucial to prepare for what comes next. Approximately six months before your lease ends, review your lease agreement to refresh your understanding of the terms. Schedule a pre-return inspection to identify any issues that could lead to excess wear and tear charges.

Key Takeaways:

  • Pre-return Inspection: Helps identify repairs you might need to make to avoid additional charges.
  • Maintenance and Records: Keep up with maintenance and retain all records to show proper vehicle care.

Options at the End of Your Lease

  1. Returning Your Leased Vehicle: When your lease ends, you can simply return the vehicle to the dealership. Be prepared for a final inspection, and understand that you'll be responsible for any excess wear and tear or over-mileage fees.
  2. Buying Your Leased Vehicle: You might have the option to buy your leased vehicle at a predetermined price. This can be a good deal if the vehicle's market value exceeds the buyout price. See what Lease End can do and buy out your vehicle lease!
  3. Extending Your Lease: If you're not ready to say goodbye to your vehicle or decide on your next step, some financiers allow for lease extensions.
  4. Lease Transfer: Transferring your lease to someone else can be an option to avoid early termination fees, but not all leasing companies allow this.
  5. Early Termination: If you need to end your lease early, be prepared for the penalties. However, some dealerships offer lease pull-ahead programs that can waive these fees if you lease another vehicle from them.

Financial Considerations

Ending your lease involves several financial considerations, from potential end-of-lease fees to the costs associated with your next vehicle. Always compare the buyout price to the current market value if considering purchasing your leased vehicle. Additionally, consider the impact of your decision on your credit score, especially if you're planning to finance your next vehicle.


Navigating the end of a vehicle lease involves understanding your lease agreement, preparing for the lease-end, and carefully considering your options. Whether you choose to return the vehicle, buy it, extend the lease, transfer it, or terminate the lease early, each option comes with its considerations and potential costs. By planning ahead and evaluating each choice against your personal and financial situation, you can make the decision that best suits your needs.

Learn More About Lease End



I’m a blog writer who’s passionate about creating content to help people stay informed and provide advice on varying topics. I’m particularly interested in pets, pop culture, and sports!