10 Simple Cooking Techniques to Make You Love Your Time in the Kitchen

  • 6 Jul 2024
  • Written by Geoff Vandenberg
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Hey there, kitchen enthusiasts! It seems like more of us are opting to stir the pot at home rather than dine out or order in. And why not? Cooking at home can be a blast, especially when life’s already hectic with dual-income households and everyone sharing kitchen duties.

Now, I'm just like you, trying to balance work, family, and a bit of me-time. So believe me when I say these nifty cooking hacks have revolutionized my kitchen experience, and I’m pretty sure they’ll do the same for you! Ready to transform your cooking into a quicker, more enjoyable task? Let’s dive into these 10 life-changing tips our team at Bumblbee has whipped up just for you.

Prep Like a Pro:
Prepping might seem like a chore, but it’s a total game-changer for hassle-free cooking. Chop those veggies in advance, marinate your proteins early, and measure out those spices. Whether it's pulling out ingredients before you start or prepping entire meals for the week, getting a jump on prep is a surefire way to cut down on cooking time. And when you're actually cooking, everything flows so much smoother. Trust me, you can almost taste the efficiency!

How to Master It: Schedule a prep session once or twice a week—think of it as your cooking mise-en-scene. During this time, you handle all your chopping, marinating, and portioning.


  • Use a food processor for speedy chopping.
  • Marinate proteins in freezer-safe bags and lay them flat to save space.
  • Pre-portion your meals in containers for grab-and-go ease during the week.
  • Chop veggies ahead of time and store them in the fridge.
  • Measure spices and set them aside so you’re not scrambling during cooking.
  • Keep your kitchen tools handy and the dishwasher empty—ready for the new load!

Sharpen Your Skills... and Your Knives!
A sharp knife doesn’t just save time; it keeps you safer. Dull knives? They’re more likely to slip and make you end up with a kitchen disaster. Keep your knives razor-sharp and learn to use them right. It’s not just about cutting; it’s about conquering the kitchen with skill. And once you've got that down, every slice and dice will feel like a breeze.

Knife Tips 101:

  • Test the sharpness regularly—if it squashes a tomato, it’s time to sharpen.
  • Invest in a quality knife sharpener, and keep those blades in top shape.

How to Master It: Regular maintenance is key. Sharpen your knives every few months or more often if you cook frequently.


  • Use a honing rod weekly to keep knife edges straight and efficient.
  • Attend a local cooking class to learn proper knife techniques.
  • Store knives on a magnetic strip or in a block to keep them sharp and ready.

Clean as You Go:
Nobody enjoys the post-cooking cleanup, right? It's the least fun part of the whole cooking process. But what if I told you that cleaning as you go could make it all feel less daunting? Wipe surfaces, wash utensils, and clear out scraps while you cook. It's about making the post-meal experience as enjoyable as the eating itself. Plus, imagine sitting down to eat, knowing there's no mountain of pots waiting for you after the meal, way more enjoyable that's for sure!

How to Master It: Make cleaning second nature by incorporating it into your cooking routine. For example, wash a few dishes while waiting for water to boil.


  • Keep a bowl on the counter for collecting scraps as you cook, which you can empty into the trash or compost in one go.
  • Use spill mats under mixing bowls to catch drips and spills, reducing counter cleaning time.
  • Have cleaning supplies like sponges, soap, and towels handy and dedicated only for kitchen use.

Batch Cook for Sanity’s Sake:
Already making a mess? Why not cook a couple of meals' worth? Batch cooking is a lifesaver for busy bees. Cook once, eat twice (or thrice!). Freeze in portions and voila—homemade meals on demand. Your future self will thank you when you’re running late and there's a delicious homemade meal ready to heat up.

How to Master It: Plan your menu around meals that are easy to scale up and freeze well, like soups, stews, and casseroles.


  • Invest in a good set of freezer-safe containers of various sizes.
  • Label each container with the date and contents using freezer tape.
  • Thaw safely in the refrigerator overnight rather than at room temperature.

Embrace the Magic of One-Pot Wonders:
Think one-pot meals are just for the lazy? Think again! Stews, casseroles, and soups are perfect for cutting down on dishes and simplifying meal prep. They’re hearty, tasty, and just about as easy as it gets. Plus, who can argue with less cleanup?

How to Master It: Build a repertoire of versatile one-pot recipes that can be adapted to whatever ingredients you have on hand.


  • Keep staple ingredients like broth, canned tomatoes, and spices stocked.
  • Use a heavy-bottomed pot or Dutch oven to evenly cook your one-pot meals.
  • Experiment with global flavors—try a Moroccan tagine or Indian biryani to spice things up.

Tech to the Rescue:
Whether your team slow cooker or all about the instant pot, these gadgets are like having a chef’s assistant in your kitchen. Dump in your ingredients, set the timer, and come back to a meal that's ready to impress. For those extra busy days, these tools are like your culinary superheroes.

How to Master It: Learn the ins and outs of your gadgets. Each slow cooker or Instant Pot has unique features that can optimize your cooking.

  • Tips:
    • Start with simple recipes to get a feel for the cooking times and settings.
    • Explore online communities or blogs for tips and recipes specifically tailored to these gadgets.
    • Maintain your equipment by following manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and care.

A Tidy Kitchen Is a Happy Kitchen:
Keep your space organized and your recipes handy. An uncluttered kitchen is a functional one, and having your go-to recipes organized will save you from those “what’s for dinner?” headaches. A clean cooking space will make the experience all the more enjoyable!

How to Master It: Implement a kitchen organization system that works for your space and habits.

  • Tips:
    • Use drawer dividers for utensils, spice racks for seasonings, and clear containers for pantry items.
    • Regularly declutter your kitchen space to keep only what you need.
    • Place items back in their designated spots immediately after cleaning to maintain order.

Practice Mise en Place:
The philosophy of "mise en place," or "everything in its place," is a game-changer in cooking. Begin by reading through your recipe and preparing all your ingredients—chopping vegetables, measuring spices, and thawing proteins. This preparation allows you to cook without interruption, reducing mistakes and enhancing your culinary flow. It’s a professional chef's secret that any home cook can adopt for stress-free cooking.

How to Master It: Make mise en place a ritual in your cooking routine, setting aside a few minutes before each cooking session to prepare and organize.


  • Allocate specific containers for pre-measured ingredients to avoid confusion during the cooking process.
  • Use a prep station dedicated to cutting and assembling ingredients to minimize cleanup.
  • Develop the habit of cleaning and resetting your mise en place area immediately after cooking to maintain order.

Taste as You Go:
To avoid bland or over-seasoned dishes, make it a habit to taste your food as it cooks. This practice helps you adjust the flavors step-by-step and understand how spices and cooking times affect the outcome. Start with a light hand on seasoning, and add more as needed. Each tasting is a chance to perfect your dish before it reaches the table.

How to Master It: Cultivate the habit of mindfulness in tasting, taking the time to really focus on the flavors and think about what might be needed to balance or enhance them.


  • Keep a set of tasting spoons handy to avoid cross-contamination.
  • Start with minimal seasoning and gradually add more—remember, you can always add but you can't take away.
  • Learn the flavors of different spices and herbs to better predict how they will influence your dishes.

Learn Basic Techniques:
Understanding fundamental cooking techniques—such as sautéing, roasting, grilling, and boiling—is crucial. These methods form the backbone of many recipes. For instance, learning how to properly sauté vegetables can be the difference between soggy and perfectly crisp-tender textures. Take time to master these basics, and you'll find yourself more confident and versatile in the kitchen.

How to Master It: Dedicate time each week to practice a new cooking technique until it becomes second nature.


  • Watch instructional videos from reputable chefs and replicate the techniques in your kitchen.
  • Start with fundamental techniques, such as how to properly boil pasta, sear meat, or steam vegetables, before moving on to more complex methods.
  • Keep notes on what works and what doesn’t to refine your skills over time.

Invest in Good Cookware:
Good quality cookware can significantly enhance your cooking experience and outcomes. Invest in a few key pieces like a well-made chef's knife, a sturdy frying pan, and a good set of pots. Look for durable materials that conduct heat evenly. While the initial cost may be higher, the right tools can last a lifetime and make cooking more enjoyable and efficient.

How to Master It: Research and invest in a few key pieces of high-quality cookware that meet your most common cooking needs.


  • Choose multi-functional pieces that can be used for various cooking methods.
  • Care for your cookware according to manufacturer instructions to prolong its life.
  • Consider ergonomic handles and balanced weight for comfort and safety.

There you have it—tips that transform not just your meals, but your entire cooking vibe. Don your apron, wield that spatula, and remember, every meal is a chance to create, enjoy, and inspire. Happy cooking!

Geoff Vandenberg

Geoff Vandenberg

I’m a blog writer who’s passionate about creating content to help people stay informed and provide advice on varying topics. I’m particularly interested in pets, pop culture, and sports!